#1 I really don't need the extra pressure to work on this project exclusively. I do tend to become preoccupied when I am on a mission. There are some things coming up that I need to spend time on such as preparing for another art show in the fall and several events in the Barony including being the Hellsgate autocrat. (Does this sound like justification? It is!)
#2 There are some things I will probably need to 'alter' to fit me comfortably or be able to move around easier that may not fit the contest rules. (Like no corset or boning...haha) Now I can do it at will...well sort of...I would like to use this garb for future competitions in our Kingdom and those rules are probably stricter...
#3 Maybe this should be #1? If there is to be another Artemisian Costume Challenge, I would like to participate in that and encourage my friends to join too.
That being said...I did cut out a bodice and sleeve from the #41 Period Patterns last night )that Ygrainne purchased) so that I can experiment with enlarging the areas I need to add on to.
(Another plus for not being in the competition...Ygrainne and I can work together on our own time!)
I was debating about what fabric to use for my mock-up but will probably just use some muslin I have. I have been trying to decide what to do with an earlier cotton tunic I made. I have a lot of time invested in sleeve trim but the rest was pretty basic. I have already cut apart the sleeves and taken off the trim (to be used in the future on something else I hope?) and will experiment with making sleeves with holes for poofs to show through. I am sooooo clever, eh? No I think it is called frugal!
Found some cool old lace I have been hording so I will play with it too.
That is one thing I have not learned to do...make lace.
Found some information on Point Lace that I may be able to use for small edgings.